TeamBoard ProScheduler V1.4.68 – AC for Jira Cloud

We are thrilled to announce the release of TeamBoard ProScheduler V1.4.68 – AC for Jira Cloud! This latest update is brimming with powerful new features and enhancements that will elevate your project management experience to new heights. Let’s dive into the exciting details of what’s new in this release:

What’s New in ProScheduler V1.4.68

1. Group Resources in Schedule Board by Department and Position

With the ability to add roles, technical skills, and specific departments for resource profiles, you can now add lanes to group your tasks by department and position. This new feature allows for better visualization and management of tasks, ensuring that every team member can easily see their responsibilities within the broader project context.

group resources in department or position - teamboard proscheduler v1.4.68

2. Group Issues in Gantt / Timeline by Assignee or other Jira Components

Enhance your project tracking by grouping issues in the Gantt or Timeline view. You can now organize issues by assignee, sprint, or other Jira components, making it easier to monitor progress and identify bottlenecks.

group issues in timeline and gantt

3. Customize Auto-scheduling for each project

auto scheduling in teamboard proscheduler v1.4.68

You can now customize the auto-scheduling feature for each project within the programs. This allows for automatic readjusting of the start and end dates based on predefined dependencies, ensuring that the unique scheduling needs of different projects are met. This flexibility provides an adaptable plan tailored to each project’s specific requirements.

4. Color Scheme Configuration via JQL

Customize your project views with our new color scheme configuration via JQL. This feature allows you to set specific colors for issues based on JQL (Jira Query Language) queries, enabling you to tailor the visual representation of your tasks to meet your unique project needs. Instantly identify different types of tasks and priorities at a glance with this powerful tool.

color scheme teamboard proscheduler v1.4.67

5. Tag Card Addition when Planning and Filter Reports by Tags

We have added the ability to tag cards when planning tasks and filter reports by tags, providing a significant upgrade to task organization and tracking. This enhancement allows you to apply custom tags to each task card during the planning phase, enabling a more granular categorization of tasks according to your specific project requirements.

Add tag card in teamboard proscheduler v1.4.68


1. Improve Warning Messages when Unplanning Tasks

We’ve improved our warning messages, providing more detailed information when you do unplanned tasks. This enhancement ensures that you are fully aware of the implications of unplanning a task, helping to prevent accidental changes, and ensuring smooth project workflows.

2. Show Member Skills /Roles/Departments in the Schedule view

The schedule view now includes detailed information about member skills, roles, and departments. This improvement helps you allocate tasks more effectively, ensuring that each task is assigned to the most suitable team member.

3. Add a Refresh Button in the Timelog tab

We’ve added a refresh button in the Timelog tab, allowing you to update and view the most current time logs quickly. This feature ensures that you always have access to the latest data, improving time tracking and management.

Bugs Fixes

Our team has addressed various minor bugs reported by users. These fixes enhance the overall performance and stability of the application, ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience.

Try TeamBoard ProScheduler V1.4.68 – AC Today!

That’s it! Thank you for choosing TeamBoard ProScheduler for your project management needs. We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy the new features and enhancements in this release!

Try TeamBoard ProScheduler for Jira here

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy scheduling!

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

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