How to Manage Multiple Jira Projects on a Single Board?

Managing multiple projects in Jira can be akin to a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece is vital, but without a cohesive overview, the bigger picture gets lost. This is where the power of a single, unified Jira board comes into play. It streamlines complexity, providing a clear line of sight across various projects, and aligns your team under one strategic vision.

Why consolidate projects onto one board? It’s about efficiency, simplicity, and the harmony of shared efforts. But how exactly do you achieve this seamless integration within Jira’s robust framework? And is there a tool that can enhance this integration even further?

Manage Multiple Jira Projects on a Single Board

Enter TeamBoard ProScheduler – a solution designed to give you and your team a bird’s-eye view of your entire project landscape. In the following sections, we will explore the ins and outs of multi-project management within Jira, and how TeamBoard ProScheduler can be the ace up your sleeve.

Why You Need to Manage Multiple Jira Projects on a Single Board?

Why You Need to Manage Multiple Jira Projects on a Single Board

Visibility Across Projects

A single board for multiple projects grants you unprecedented visibility. It breaks down silos between projects, allowing stakeholders to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and allocate resources effectively—without the need to switch contexts or navigate through a labyrinth of multiple boards and filters.

Enhanced Collaboration

When team members can see how their work aligns with others across different projects, it fosters a sense of unity and purpose. It streamlines communication as everyone can speak the same visual language of progress and priorities, directly enhancing collaboration.

Improved Prioritization

With all your projects on one board, you can prioritize tasks across projects more effectively. It allows project managers to quickly shift focus and resources to where they are needed most, ensuring that critical tasks don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Time and Resource Optimization

A single view means less time spent on administrative tasks and more on actual management. It cuts down the time needed to review and report on project statuses and helps in identifying where your team’s efforts should be concentrated.

How to do that with Jira?

Transforming the way you manage your projects in Jira can be accomplished in a few strategic steps. Here’s how you can bring multiple Jira projects onto a single board, simplifying the complex landscape of tasks, sprints, and backlogs.

Learn details about creating and managing a multi-project Jira board with Jira Guru

1. Create a New Board

Start by creating a new board in Jira. You can choose between a Scrum board for sprints or a Kanban board for continuous flow. This will serve as your central dashboard for all projects.

Click on “Boards” in the project menu. 14.15.02

2. Configure Board Filters

To combine multiple projects, you’ll need to set up board filters. Jira allows you to create a filter using JQL (Jira Query Language) that encompasses issues from multiple projects. For example, a filter-like project in (PROJ1, PROJ2, PROJ3) will pull in issues from projects PROJ1, PROJ2, and PROJ3.

3. Map Statuses and Columns

Ensure that the workflow statuses of the different projects align with the columns of your new board. You might need to tweak workflow schemes to match your board columns so that each issue type moves smoothly through the workflow.

4. Customize Swimlanes

Swimlanes are a great way to categorize issues on your board and can be used to separate different projects, teams, or priorities. For instance, you could have a swimlane for each project, making it easy to view their respective tasks.

5. Set Up Quick Filters

Quick filters offer a dynamic way to further manage your view. You can create filters for each project, various issue types, or priorities to quickly switch between views on the same board.

6. Define Board Permissions

Permissions are crucial when multiple projects are involved. Define who has access to this board, ensuring the right team members can view and modify the tasks.

What is TeamBoard ProScheduler?

TeamBoard ProScheduler is an esteemed application available on the Atlassian Marketplace, developed by DevSamurai, a Platinum Marketplace Partner of Atlassian. This tool is engineered specifically for managers who face the challenge of overseeing multiple projects within the Jira platform.

As a creation of DevSamurai, TeamBoard ProScheduler comes with the assurance of quality and innovation that is characteristic of a Platinum Atlassian Marketplace Partner. This status is indicative of DevSamurai’s deep expertise in the Atlassian ecosystem and a proven track record of delivering exceptional solutions.

TeamBoard ProScheduler by DevSamurai is more than just an app, it’s a complete project management solution designed to empower managers to oversee multiple Jira projects with unprecedented ease and clarity, thus driving efficiency and productivity in their organizations.

How to Manage Multiple Jira Projects on a Single Board with TeamBoard ProScheduler

When your project management needs to outgrow the standard capabilities of Jira, third-party tools like TeamBoard ProScheduler step in to elevate your experience. Managing multiple Jira projects on a single board becomes not just possible, but proficiently powerful with ProScheduler. Here’s how it redefines the game

1. Seamless Integration and Setup

TeamBoard ProScheduler integrates smoothly with Jira, allowing you to merge multiple projects onto one platform effortlessly. It syncs with your existing Jira projects, so you can set up your unified board with a few clicks. There’s no need for extensive configurations – ProScheduler is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly.

After installing the TeamBoard ProScheduler App, you can start creating programs that include multiple projects.


Enable Program & Porfolio Management

2. Advanced Scheduling Features

With ProScheduler, you gain access to sophisticated scheduling options that go beyond Jira’s native capabilities. Drag-and-drop functionality, timeline views, and calendar integration enable you to plan and reschedule tasks across multiple projects with ease and precision.

An Innovative Resource Management Solution for Jira

3. Custom Views and Filters

ProScheduler takes the concept of swimlanes and quick filters to the next level, offering more granular control over how issues are displayed. Create custom views for different teams or stakeholders, and use advanced filters to manage the workflow of multiple projects without losing sight of the details.

4. Resource Management

One of the standout features of ProScheduler is its resource management capabilities. It allows you to see who is working on what, track team capacity, and redistribute tasks as needed, ensuring that no single project overwhelms your resources.

5. Gantt Chart for Complex Project Mapping

ProScheduler’s Gantt Chart feature offers a visual timeline for all your project tasks, providing a clear long-term view of your project schedules across multiple Jira projects. Easily set up and view dependencies between tasks from different projects, ensuring that the impact of schedule changes is visible and manageable.


6. Timeline for Seamless Workflow Coordination

See all your projects laid out on a single, interactive timeline. This bird’s-eye view helps you understand how different projects interact and overlap. se the timeline to mark significant milestones and deadlines across projects, ensuring that critical dates are communicated and visible to all stakeholders.

7. Reporting and Analytics

ProScheduler enhances your reporting power with in-depth analytics and custom reporting features. Generate comprehensive reports on multiple projects at once, providing valuable insights into project performance and progress.

Rich Reports

How to Start Learning about TeamBoard ProScheduler?

Embarking on the path to mastering TeamBoard ProScheduler is an excellent step toward enhancing your project management capabilities within Jira. Here’s how you can begin your learning journey:

1. Start with a Free Trial


Sign up for the 30-day free trial offered by TeamBoard ProScheduler. This no-cost opportunity allows you to explore the features and benefits firsthand, giving you a solid understanding of how the tool can fit into your workflow.

Should you need more time, reach out to us to inquire about an extension. 


2. Dive into User Guides and Demo Videos

Take advantage of the user guides provided. These documents are designed to walk you through each feature, offering step-by-step instructions and valuable insights.

Watch the demo videos available. Visual learning can be incredibly effective, and these videos often showcase common use cases that you can emulate.

3. Get in Touch for Personalized Support

Don’t hesitate to contact the support team if you have any questions or run into issues. Personalized support can help clarify complex points and guide you through specific scenarios.

Utilize the contact options available, whether it be through email, a support ticket system, or a dedicated helpdesk.

4. Schedule a Live Demo

For a comprehensive understanding, schedule a live demo with the TeamBoard ProScheduler experts. ou can receive real-time answers to your questions and see a demonstration of the tool’s capabilities tailored to your project management needs through a demo.

During the demo, engage with the team, ask questions specific to your use cases, and learn best practices for leveraging TeamBoard ProScheduler to its fullest potential.

By following these steps, you can systematically uncover the power of TeamBoard ProScheduler. The hands-on experience gained from the trial period, supplemented with the detailed resources and support from the DevSamurai team, will put you on a fast track to becoming an adept user, ready to harness the full suite of features to manage multiple Jira projects effectively.

DevSamurai’s Teamboard ProScheduler vs. WBS Gantt Chart
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