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Teamboard - Resource Planning &
Project Management for Jira

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WBS Gantt Chart
Gantt Milestone

Teamboard -Time Tracking, Timesheets, Resource Planning & Cost for Jira

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Time Tracking Timer

Teamboard - Resource Planning for monday.com

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Enable Program & Porfolio Management

An Innovative Resource Management Solution for Jira

Streamline your resource management with TeamBoard for Jira. Gain a comprehensive view of team activities, making task assignments, tracking, and reporting simpler.

  • Task Assignment: Assign tasks effortlessly to ensure balanced workloads.
  • Activity Tracking: Keep tabs on task progress and monitor timelines.
  • Time Reporting: Understand logged and scheduled time for precise budgeting and analysis.

Discover TeamBoard’s Resource Management

Timeline, Gantt Chart for Jira

Revolutionize your project management with our online Gantt chart. Plan and manage multiple Jira projects seamlessly.

  • Gantt Chart for Jira: Visually plan, assign tasks, track progress, and adjust schedules with ease.
  • Tabular List View: Handle multiple issues swiftly, change statuses, priorities, and more.

Explore Our Gantt Chart

Gantt chart, Timeline for Jira
Schedule Calendar View

Enable Program & Porfolio Management

Manage multiple projects and resources efficiently with TeamBoard’s tools for program and portfolio management.

  • Program Management: View and manage multiple projects together, aligning strategies and goals.
  • Portfolio Management: Oversee resources at a wide range, ensuring strategic alignment and optimal allocation.

Explore Program & Portfolio Management

Time Tracking, Timesheets for Jira

Maximize productivity with our Timelogs feature. By comparing actual time against forecasts, get insightful metrics on team performance.

  • Time Tracking: Monitor actual time spent to measure productivity.
  • Timesheets: Visualize time logs versus resource schedules for accurate analysis.

Discover Time Tracking & Timesheets

Time Tracking Trio - Time Tracking, TimeLog, and Timer
Cost reports

Rich Reports

From resizing tasks to logging time, make tedious tracking tasks a thing of the past. Get detailed reports for projects, programs, and individuals.

  • Simplified Time Tracking: Resize tasks to log time, making time tracking effortless.
  • Detailed Reports: Get comprehensive time logs and reports at the project, program, or individual level, helping you analyze performance and productivity.

Vacation & Leave Request workflow in Jira

Streamline leave management with our Vacation & Annual Leave functionality. Team members can transparently schedule and request leaves directly.

  • Transparent Scheduling: Directly schedule leaves on the scheduler, promoting open communication.
  • Easy Leave Requests: Efficiently handle leave requests through dedicated forms.

Explore Vacation & Leave Request Workflow

Timesheet approval

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